Vidya Vihar Kelavani Mandal

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        Vidya Vihar Kelavani Mandal (VVKM) is a non-profit educational institution.  It is located in rural Saurashtra, a Western region in Gujarat, India.  It provides education for youth upto the 12th grade.  It operates three full residential schools with a total of 1600 students.                                

VVKM's Mission is:                                  

1) To educate and foster the fullest intellectual and personal growth by providing students with a core of basic knowledge in a free environment.

2) To train students to lead a life of good citizenship in society without the distinction of caste and creed and to cultivate a sense of brotherhood.

3) To provide each student a thorough and comprehensive education.

4) To foster the growth and self-development of all women, men, and children.

5) To recreate a self-sustained habitat based on a balanced perspective of the relationship between the natural environment and the legitimate needs of people.

6) To foster a process of ongoing development of the economically disadvantaged population to advance through the building and managing of appropriate and innovative local level institutions rooted in values of justice, equality, and mutual support.