Tornado Of Love Erupts At Vedika
--Somik Raha
2 minute read
Sep 16, 2011


Last night, Nipun gave a talk at Vedika Global -- and the vibration in the room was unreal.  Shunya-ji, the founder of Vedika, a reknowned Ayurvedic healer, herself was deeply moved and is now planning to converting their low-cost clinic into a gift-economy operation.  At one point, she commented that Nipun's work with CharityFocus is his sadhna and he shares those merits through his presence; and that is perhaps true for so many of us.  Many were in tears and pay-it-forward ripples are continuing even today.  One of the attendees is going to a concert tonight and as a thank you, he is going to pay forward tickets for two strangers.  Marcus is signing up to volunteer at Karma Kitchen.  Smile Cards are floating around. Reina was so inspired by the talk that she is planning to go gift economy with her massage therapy service. At the event itself, Nipun himself tagged someone with a small flower he had received.   In a very touching moment, one guest publicly shared how her connection to the CF ecosystem ended up changing her life.  Another woman posted a comment on FaceBook today about how she bought flowers this morning and passed them out to strangers.  Brittany, who wasn't there yesterday, wrote a follow-up note saying: "I was so inspired by the FaceBook post that I am going to do the same thing right now. Thank you so much for doing what you do, and being who you are.  We haven't even met, and yet I am deeply inspired. Off to buy some flowers."  Some of Nipun's talks are online (see Stanford series), but we're working on get this gem online too.


Posted by Somik Raha on Sep 16, 2011